Terms & Conditions

  • Privacy Policy


    1. Privacy Notice

    1.1. Here at Berriewood Farm LLP we take your privacy seriously.  When you use our facilities or one of our horses, enter into a Livery Agreement, enter one of our competitions, we will collect and process personal information (‘Personal Information’) about you.

    We understand the importance of looking after the Personal Information that you provide and this notice (‘Privacy Notice’) sets out what Personal Information we collect, why we need to collect it, how we will use it, how we will protect it and how long we will store it for.

    In line with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulations 2018 we have performed an information audit.

    1.2. Throughout this policy the term ‘Contact Details’ refers to, but is not limited to: name, address, telephone number(s), email address. 

    2. Collection of Personal Information

    2.1. We collect and store your Contact Details via the Use of Facilities Form if you use any of our facilities. 

    2.2. Where a booking is made with us through an online booking system (see Appendix 1), we may access the Contact Details you have provided to the booking system provider and use them to contact you regarding your booking. Where this happens, we may retain the details in our record of this correspondence. 

    2.3. We collect and store your Contact Details and emergency Contact Details via the Livery Agreement if you come here as a livery client. We also record Personal Information (relating to health conditions) which we may need in case of emergency.  

    2.4. We collect and store your Contact Details via the Rider Registration form if you come here to use a horse. This gives us your Contact Details, relevant Personal Information (date of birth, age, weight, height, health conditions) as well as information on your equestrian status and a riding disclaimer.

    2.5. We collect and store your Contact Details (and where appropriate the rider’s date of birth) when you enter a competition at Berriewood other than through an online booking.

    2.6. In the event of you being involved in an accident we will record your Contact Details, together with details of the accident in order to fulfil our legal and insurance obligations.

    3. Use of Personal Information

    3.1. We will only use your Contact Details to contact you in the relation to the service you have purchased / contracted for.

    3.2. We only use your Personal Information to help us refine the service we deliver to you.

    3.3. We do not share this information, in whole or part, with any third-party organisation, except where your express permission has been given in writing, (e.g. Online Booking Enrolment Form), or in connection with our online financial accounting system.

    3.4. We do not hold any financial information about you, e.g. credit or debit card, or bank account details. Some clients make regular payments by standing order which you, the client, oversee.

    3.5. Where we provide services in relation to a person under the age of 16 (a ‘Young Person’), we only collect and store Contact Details for that Young Person’s parent / carer.

    3.6. At Berriewood Farm we have CCTV for the purposes of crime prevention and public safety.

    4. Data retention

    4.1. We will keep your Personal Information for as long as you are a client of Berriewood Farm LLP and thereafter for as long as any legal claim may be made against Berriewood Farm LLP and for as long as is required to comply with our legal, regulatory and insurance requirements

    5. Keeping your data secure

    5.1. Information is stored electronically and in hard copy format. Protection against theft is in place.

    5.2. You have the right to have your data deleted at any time and we will advise if this affects the service you have purchased or contracted for.

    5.3. We will inform you if we experience a data breach, but do use up to date systems to protect your information

    5.4. We are registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office (I.C.O.).

    Privacy Officer Contact Details:

    Penny Cowdy (Managing Partner)

    Tel: 01743 718252  

    Email:  info@berriewood.co.uk


    Online Booking Systems, provided by Third Parties, used to facilitate the purchase of services from Berriewood Farm LLP as of February 2025 are:







    The terms under which your data is used and stored with these third parties is separate to those outlined in this policy. Details can be found from the providers’ website. 

  • Use Of Facilities - RULES

    Use Of Facilities - RULES

    1. It is a condition of anyone using the facilities at Berriewood that all users have READ and AGREED to abide by the following rules.   

    2. Please note that vehicles, horseboxes, cars and other equipment which you bring to Berriewood are here at your own risk.  Berriewood Farm LLP will not accept any liability for loss or damage to them.

    Riding is a risk sport, horses are unpredictable in their behaviour and may be dangerous. You are therefore recommended to take out appropriate insurance to cover personal injury to yourself, third parties and injury to your horse.

    To the fullest extent permitted by law, it is agreed that neither Berriewood Farm LLP, its members, employees, agents and representatives, nor Mrs Cowdy the Landowner are responsible for any loss, injury or damage caused to any person or property (including under contract, by negligence, product liability or otherwise) whether they be direct or indirect, special, incidental or consequential, resulting from the use of the facilities at Berriewood. 

    3. Berriewood Farm LLP has taken all reasonable precautions to ensure the Health & Safety of everyone present.  For these measures to be effective EVERYONE must take all reasonable precautions to avoid accidents occurring and must obey instructions. All riders must familiarise themselves with the facilities and jumps before use.

    4. Hats of the current standard must be worn by anyone mounted. Suitable footwear should be worn. 


    When jumping it is advisable to be accompanied.

    Wheelchairs and pushchairs are welcome on site however must be kept safely away from vehicles and horses at all times. 

    5. Accidents that occur on the premises must be reported to the office or by email (info@berriewood.co.uk). If the office is closed, please leave a message on 01743 718252. We are required by law to notify the Environmental Health Department of certain injuries.

    Any breakages or damage to facilities or equipment should be reported to the office or by email (info@berriewood.co.uk), as soon as possible.

    6. Berriewood LLP must be notified in advance of any stallion attending. No rider shall allow a stallion for which he/she is responsible to be ridden or handled without taking adequate precautions to ensure safety of everyone.

    7. Horses must NOT be left unattended at any time, unless inside a secure horse box, stable or field. Tying and leaving outside boxes is not permitted. Haynets NOT to be fed outside horse box. Droppings should be removed from the lorry parking area and riding surfaces.

    8. Horses/ponies may only be ridden in the areas that have been hired. Please do not ride around the airfield unless you have specific permission.

    9. Anyone under the age of 17 years must remain under the supervision of an adult aged 18 years or older at all times.

    10. Please ensure that arena doors/gates are kept closed whilst the arena is in use. 

    Lunging should always be separated from other horses/riders by poles. Lunging in the indoor school is not permitted when there are 2 or more other riders in there.

    11. Horses/Ponies MUST NOT EXCEED WALK around the arenas and Horsebox park. 

    Bikes are not allowed in the yards or by the arenas.

    12. PLEASE DO NOT BRING DOGS ONTO THE YARDS. Yard areas are reserved for resident dogs only. Please clear up after them.


  • General Rules & Conditions for All Open Competitions

    General Rules & Conditions for All Open Competitions

    1. It is a condition of ENTRY that all riders/competitors have READ and AGREED to abide by all the rules. All riders must familiarise themselves with the course before use. All riders or their representatives should report to office or collecting ring steward before taking part.

    2. Berriewood Farm LLP has taken all reasonable precautions to ensure the Health & Safety of everyone present. For these measures to be effective EVERYONE must take all reasonable precautions to avoid accidents occurring and must obey officials and stewards. BODY PROTECTORS ARE COMPULSORY FOR CROSS COUNTRY JUMPING ACTIVITIES AND FOR SHOW JUMPING IF RIDING A BERRIEWOOD HORSE.

    Everyone must comply with current Government health guidelines concerning Covid 19 or other illnesses, where these are in force.

    3. The organisers must be notified in advance of stallion entries. No rider shall allow a stallion for which he/she is responsible to compete or be prepared to compete in any class without taking adequate precautions to ensure the safety of the riders or grooms.

    4. Horses must NOT be left unattended at any time, unless inside a secure horse box, tying and leaving outside boxes is not permitted. Haynets NOT to be fed outside horse box.

    5. Only riders and one groom per rider are allowed to enter the warm up areas. Horses/ponies may only be ridden in these areas if they are competing in the class in progress. Spectators and/or children are NOT ALLOWED in warmup or collecting area.

    6. No unsupervised minors are allowed on these premises. Parents will be held responsible for ALL children they bring to a competition.

    7. Practice Ring Fences to be jumped with the Red Flag/Cone on the right. No lungeing is permitted in the Warm Up Area.

    8. Show organisers reserve the right to cancel any event, amend or amalgamate any class and refuse any entry. The judges’ decision is FINAL.

    9. BSJA or BD Rules for dress and saddlery apply unless stated otherwise, hats of the current standard must be worn at all times by anyone mounted (or leading a horse if under 18 years of age), with the harness correctly adjusted and fastened.

    10. All riders under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult minimum age 18.

    11. It is not permitted to ride bicycles or motor cycles on the premises. ALL DOGS MUST BE KEPT ON SHORT LEADS. PLEASE CLEAR UP AFTER YOUR DOGS!!

    12. Competitors are requested to confine their horses/ponies to the show area and not allow them onto Berriewood Stable yard. This is to minimise the risk of spreading any infections to the resident horses/ponies. Please do not ride on the airfield unless you have specific permission.

    13. Horses/Ponies MUST NOT EXCEED WALK on the surroundings including Horsebox park and walkways.

    14. Please respect the property; Berriewood is a family home as well as a business. Please pick up your litter and put it in a rubbish bin or take it home with you. Please do not muck out trailers and horse boxes onto parking area. Please clear droppings from the lorry park.

    15. Please note that vehicles, cars and other equipment which you bring to Berriewood are here at your own risk. Berriewood Farm LLP will not accept any liability for loss or damage to them. Riding is a risk sport, horses are unpredictable in their behaviour and may be dangerous. You are therefore recommended to consider taking out appropriate insurance to cover personal injury to yourself, third parties and injury to your horse. To the fullest extent permitted by law, it is agreed that neither Berriewood Farm LLP, its members, employees, agents and representatives, nor Mrs Cowdy the Landowner are responsible for any loss, injury or damage caused

    to any person or property (including under contract, by negligence, product liability or otherwise) whether they be direct or indirect, special, incidental or consequential, resulting from the use of the facilities at Berriewood.


  • Hire of Dog Exercise Field – General Rules and Conditions

    Hire of Dog Exercise Field – General Rules and Conditions

    It is a condition of anyone using the dog training field facilities at Berriewood, that all users have READ and AGREED to abide by all the following rules.

    Please note that vehicles and other equipment which you bring to Berriewood are here at your own risk. Berriewood Farm LLP will not accept any liability for loss or damage to them.

    Dogs are unpredictable in their behaviour and may be dangerous. We recommend hirers take out appropriate insurance to cover personal injury, third parties and injury to the dog.

    To the fullest extent permitted by law, it is agreed that neither Berriewood Farm LLP, its members, employees, agents and representatives, nor Mrs Cowdy the Landowner are responsible for any loss, injury or damage caused to any person or property (including under contract, by negligence, product liability or otherwise) whether they be direct or indirect, special, incidental or consequential, resulting from the use of the facilities at Berriewood.

    Berriewood Farm LLP has taken all reasonable precautions to ensure the Health &

    Safety of everyone present. For these measures to be effective EVERYONE must take all reasonable precautions to avoid accidents occurring and must obey instructions.

    All users must familiarise themselves with the field, fence line and equipment before use. It is the responsibility of the hirer to assess the suitability of the fencing and enclosed space for their dog. If there is any risk that your dog could escape, it must be kept on a lead; please notify us and we will issue a full refund.

    There are jumps, equipment, banks and ditches in the field. These are maintained but they can still be a trip hazard so please be careful when walking around.

    Any injury must be reported by email. Any breakages to equipment or country fences must be reported to the office. If the office is closed, please leave a message on 01743 718252 or email info@berriewood.co.uk


    Key Rules

    8.1.       Dogs must be on a lead at all times apart from when securely in the field hired

    8.2.       Dogs must NOT be left unattended at any time, unless safely secured inside a vehicle

    8.3.       Users must ensure that all dogs coming to Berriewood are up to date with vaccinations, worming and flea treatments at the time of booking

    8.4.       The field is outdoors and exposed to the elements. We would advise you to consider whether your dog will be comfortable in the forecast conditions for your session before coming. Users are advised to wear suitable footwear and to dress appropriately for the weather conditions.

    8.5.       Timeslots include the time it takes you to enter and leave the field therefore users need to have vacated the field when their time slot finishes so there is no conflict with the next users. Please do not arrive earlier than 5 to 10 minutes before your allocated time. Please remain in your car until the previous user has put their dog(s) away.

    8.6.       Dog poo must be removed from the field and taken home with you / placed in bins provided.

    8.7.       Users must take everything they brought with them home e.g. dog treats, dog toys, litter

    8.8.       Harsh handling of dogs, either verbally or physically is not allowed

    8.9.       Please do not bring dogs around to the arenas or yard or use areas other than the area hired unless you have been given specific permission from the landowner.

    8.10.    It is not permitted to ride bicycles or motorcycles on the premises.

    8.11.    No smoking anywhere on site.

    8.12.    Please be respectful to other people on site and keep noise to a minimum. Do not allow continuous barking from your dog

    8.13.    Please do not climb on fencing or gates

    8.14.    Please do not climb or sit on any of the equipment, it is all designed for dogs and horses, not humans

    8.15.    Anyone under 18 years of age must be accompanied by an adult of minimum age 18. No unsupervised minors are allowed on these premises.

    8.16.    You are liable for any damage caused inside and outside of the field by you, your dog(s) or any person in your party. We recommend all dogs are covered by their own third-party insurance (public liability insurance).

    8.17.    Do not bring your dog to the field if they are or have been unwell in the last 48 hours. Doing so could be harmful to other dogs.

    8.18.    If you arrive late for your appointment, you must still leave at the end of your appointment time.

    8.19.    Due to the nature of the field, it is possible that you may not see where you dog has pooped. If you do happen to come across a poo that someone else has missed, then we kindly ask you to pick it up. Hopefully, by doing this then all users of the field will collectively help to keep the field in a clean condition for all users.

    8.20.    Wheelchairs and pushchairs are welcome on site however must be kept safely away from vehicles and horses at all times.

  • Cancellation Policy - Hire Of Facilities

    Hire Of Facilites

    Cancellation / Refund Policy 

    Requests for cancellations made more than 24 hours prior to the original booking will be offered the option of a replacement booking at a later date. 

    Requests for a refund following a cancellation made more than 24 hours prior to the original booking will be subject to a £2 administration fee. 

    All requests for cancellations should be made by email to info@berriewood.co.uk 

    Requests for cancellations made less than 24 hours prior to the original booking will not qualify for a refund or rescheduled booking. 

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