

Berriewood provides a flexible, supportive livery service suited to any horse owner, whatever their experience. Berriewood offers Semi Livery, DIY Livery and Combi Livery.

Types Of Livery

DIY Livery

This includes hire of stable, saddlery and equipment storage and daily turn out or horse walker if wished. (Summer turn out is for as long as you wish, winter turn out may be limited to shorter periods on a rota basis.)

Semi Livery

This includes stable with straw and turn out / horse walker as required (minimum 5 times a week), haylage / hay and sugar beet. Hard feed is to be provided by owner but is fed by Berriewood Staff. Semi livery includes feeding and watering twice daily, mucking out, feet picked out, rugs and hosing legs after turn out. (This does not include brushing off, exercising, quartering or grooming and shavings will be charged per bag used.)

Combi Livery

As Semi Livery Monday - Friday however owner provides labour for Saturday, Sunday & all bank holidays throughout the year. Straw and hay are included in this option.

Just Visiting?

Berriewood also provide short term / overnight stabling as well as many other services for visiting horses. Why not take advantage of this if you are passing through, wish to make use of our facilities or are competing here or nearby.

Why Choose Berriewood?

✔ Owners live on site and staff are available to help

✔ Excellent facilities

✔ Instruction and advice available

✔ Horse Walker

✔ Club room and free wifi

✔ Stables of various sizes

✔ Competitions held on site

✔ Local Pony Club and Riding Club training held on site

✔ Hot horse shower

✔ Routine visits by farrier (weekly)

✔ Routine visits by vet (monthly)

✔ Off road hacking

✔ Hard parking for trailers and horseboxes

✔ Regular visits by chiropractor and physiotherapist

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